
Reclaim Lost Time: The Hidden Productivity Costs of a Slow Business Internet Connection

Imagine hailing a taxi, only to have the driver crawl along at 20 km under the speed limit, even with no traffic. Frustrating, right? You’re wasting time and money for no reason. This lost time is obvious because you’re physically in the car, but what about the hidden limits impacting your productivity? Like the speed of your Internet connection.

No business wants to lose money simply because of a slow Internet connection. An eCommerce site, for example, can be greatly affected by poor connectivity. Slower page response time results in page abandonment; 47% of consumers will only wait 2 seconds for a web page to load before they leave. Any delay has an impact on a customer’s experience and they will naturally opt to go to a company with better and faster service. What’s more, Google ranks slow and more unresponsive eCommerce sites lower in the search results, leading to decreased web traffic and reach. (

“But we rarely have downtime,” you say. “We’re almost always online.”

As the technology continues to evolve, so do the technology users. Many Canadian households and small businesses are now beginning to embrace broadband technologies, which were previously reserved for large institutions in the public and private sectors. 

The Canadian government envisions new opportunities for businesses in both the B2B supply chain as well as B2C markets (NBTF 2001). Part of the appeal of broadband in the business world lies in its ability to transform operations from paper based to electronic systems. Applications which have been developed allow, for example, the integration of front-office functions such as sales with other office systems, including stock and order processing (Broadband Advisory Group 2003). Conversely, those businesses that are slower to adopt the technologies may have difficulty competing with businesses taking advantage of the efficiencies broadband offers.

So, how can you stay ahead and be innovative in the way you do business?

  1. Switch to Beanfield’s Fibre optic. Data travels at the speed of light over fibre optic cables. You’ll feel the difference instantly. Plus, fibre optic cables are immune to electrical interference, unlike copper.
  2. Check your agreements. Many providers, including Beanfield, have service level agreements. If they aren’t delivering promised speeds, you may be entitled to compensation. That’s why we stand behind our fibre connectivity solution.

Most businesses today consider themselves to be in the cloud. In our latest Cloud Business Survey, 78% of executives responding told us their companies had adopted cloud in most or all parts of the business. So, why is tangible value elusive for many? As in our 2021 survey, more than half had not realized the outcomes they were after: cutting costs, improving resilience, driving new revenue, and the list goes on.

The big issue? Moving to the cloud or running parts of your business in the cloud is not the same as being cloud-powered. What does that really mean and what does it take?About 10% of those surveyed apparently know the answer: They have reinvented their businesses through cloud, they report fewer barriers to realizing value and they’re doing so at a rate twice that of other companies. And even in the current business environment, they expect to see continued revenue growth of 15% or greater. (PwC’s 2023 Cloud Business Survey)

A study by **Harvard Business Review** reveals that **60% of remote employees** reported issues with internet connectivity as a major hurdle to productive work. In addition, companies that struggle with slow internet face more difficulty in integrating advanced technologies like cloud computing, AI, or data analytics into their operations. Google (2020) “Mobile Site Speed Insights”.

A slow Internet connection costs you time and money. Explore your options. Consider switching to fibre connectivity for a faster, more reliable solution… and don’t forget to review your existing contract for potential compensation.

Don’t let slow Internet hold your business back. Claim your productivity back today. Let Beanfield help you achieve this. Speak to one of our experts.

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